Period Products: How to increase dwell time for peanuts

Period Products: How to increase dwell time for peanuts

Customer retention is an essential motivation for any hospitality business nowadays. Not only do you have to get them in the door, you have to ensure they stay for longer, because the simple calculation of the matter is  - the longer they enjoy your space, the more money they are likely to spend.

There are plenty of ways business owners are working to improve dwell time, such as technological integrations, ambient background music, customer engagement and even using scent however an often overlooked but easy addition to this formula is offering period products.

We’re here to breakdown why periods products can increase dwell time in your pub, bar or restaurant.


No more emergencies

The first and most obvious factor is what the period products physically offer your customers, and that’s support for a leak or emergency.

25% of women have had an accidental leak or emergency, and when that happens it’s usually a sure-fire way to send someone home.

By offering period products in your bathroom, you are actually giving women a solution so they don’t have to cut their day / evening short and head for the safety of their own toilet.

This could increase their stay by a further 30-60 minutes.

You can start increasing your customer’s dwell time for as little as £50 a month with our lowest subscription.


Customer loyalty

70% of women choose to spend money in an establishment that offers period products.

Read that again.

Now read this: 90% of women feel that period product availability is poor or very poor.

There is a huge gap between what women want and what they get. By offering period products you are taking advantage of this divide early on and securing brand loyalty for your establishment.

Not only will it get people in the door, but it will ensure they stay and return in the future.

With our period product dispensers, you also gain a PR campaign free of charge, letting our app users and community know that you’re an establishment that cares.


Safe & Secure

A huge impact on dwell time is perceived the safety, cleanliness and hygiene of an establishment.  Ensuring you’re keeping things clean and organised is an easy way to make people feel more comfortable and safer in your space, especially those who menstruate.

By maintaining an M Scale approved bathroom, and offering period products, you’re ensuring your guests feel secure, supported and safe. Our accreditation system lets people know that before they walk in door; and once in, they’re more likely to stay on for another – and return.

An M Scale subscription comes with a comprehensive guide for maintaining a five-star loo and support to reach an accreditation award.


Getting ahead of the curve

Not only are there the benefits listed above, but offering period products is a growing trend that you could catch onto early. Rather than wait for it to become the norm, a small investment now would see you cash in on huge returns in terms of customer attraction and loyalty, brand identity and dwell time.

Don’t sleep on this opportunity. We’ve made things as easy as possible for you, by creating a monthly subscription stocked with sustainable 100% organic cotton Natracare products, all you need to do is restock the dispenser.


So what are you waiting for?


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