Why You Should Put Period Products in Your Public Bathroom

Why You Should Put Period Products in Your Public Bathroom

If you're a business owner or manage a public bathroom, the idea of offering free period products might not have crossed your mind. Perhaps you’ve been put off by the perceived high costs or didn’t even realizs the impact it could have on your business. But here's the truth—providing period products in your public restroom isn't just an act of kindness, it's good business.

Let’s talk about why.

The Unspoken Challenges of Menstruation in Public Spaces

There’s an important conversation we don’t often have, and it’s about the struggles that menstruating individuals face when they’re out in public. Did you know that:

  • 50% of women have cancelled plans because of period anxiety and poor public bathroom facilities.
  • 90% of women believe that public bathrooms fail when it comes to period product availability.
  • 42% of women have been forced to use makeshift solutions, like toilet paper, when caught without proper products during an emergency.
  • 52% of women in London have had to carry a used tampon or pad around with them in their bag because there was no disposal bin in the public bathroom.

These statistics show a clear pattern—period anxiety is a major issue. Women and others who menstruate are constantly dealing with uncertainty when out in public. Will they have what they need? Will the bathroom be adequately equipped? Or will they have to resort to uncomfortable, and sometimes unsafe, makeshift solutions?

The bottom line: there’s a huge gap in period product availability in public spaces, and it’s affecting how people engage with your business.

What the Public Thinks

You might be surprised to learn that the public is overwhelmingly in favour of change. In fact, 71% of people in the UK believe that period products should be free in public spaces. This means the demand is real, and it’s growing.

But that leaves the next big question:

Why Should You, the Business Owner, Foot the Bill?

We get it. The cost-of-living crisis is hitting the hospitality sector hard. From rising energy bills to inflation, there’s no denying that operating a business has become more expensive. Adding another recurring cost might seem like the last thing you need.

But here’s the thing—governments around the world are already feeling pressure from the public to address this issue. It’s only a matter of time before the responsibility for providing free period products in public restrooms shifts to bathroom owners and operators like you.

By being ahead of the curve, you can make a small investment today that will lead to happier, more satisfied customers in the long run. Plus, you’ll be setting your business apart as one that cares about the well-being and comfort of all its visitors.

How We Can Help You

We know the roadblocks that have kept businesses from making this decision in the past:

  • High upfront costs for buying dispensers.
  • The fear that customers will take all the products.
  • Expensive products that are hard to keep stocked.

That’s where we come in. Our service eliminates these challenges by offering an affordable, all-inclusive solution. For as little as £50 a month, we’ll lease you a dispenser and provide below-market-rate products to keep it stocked. Not only that, but our dispensers are specially designed to dispense one item at a time, ensuring that products aren’t misused.

And don’t worry—our case studies show that theft isn’t a major issue. The vast majority of customers take only what they need.

The Business Case for Providing Period Products

Here’s why providing period products in your public bathroom is more than just a nice gesture:

  1. Customer Satisfaction: Offering free period products can significantly improve the experience for your customers, particularly women. Happy customers are more likely to stay longer, spend more, and return in the future.

  2. Brand Image: Businesses that take proactive steps to support customer well-being build a positive reputation. Being known as a company that takes care of these needs can make your brand more trustworthy and attractive.

  3. Customer Retention: If customers know they can rely on you to provide essential products, they’re more likely to choose your venue over competitors. It's these little touches that make a big difference.

  4. Health & Hygiene: Period products aren’t a luxury—they’re a necessity. Providing them helps to support good hygiene practices and shows that you value the health and safety of your customers.


Join the Movement

There’s no denying that the demand for free period products in public spaces is growing, and businesses that choose to meet this demand will stand out for all the right reasons. If you’re ready to make a small investment that yields big rewards, we’re here to help.

For £50 a month, you’ll receive the dispenser and a stock of high-quality period products. It’s a small price to pay for customer satisfaction and loyalty—and in the long run, it’ll be more than worth it.

Make the change today and start showing your customers that you care about their comfort, hygiene, and overall experience.

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